Couples Therapy

Do You And Your Partner Struggle To Get Along?

  • Are you in an unfulfilling relationship that’s left you feeling lonely, hopeless, or powerless to change your situation?

  • Do you ever feel ignored, misunderstood, or underappreciated by your partner?

  • Is it impossible to have important conversations without them spiraling into arguments?

Maybe working, raising children, or just navigating life has all but killed the romance between you. Or perhaps you feel emotionally stuck as a couple—and you’re hoping therapy can help breathe new life into your relationship.

Relationship Issues Arise For Many Reasons

Whether you’re married or in a committed relationship, even the happiest, healthiest couples run into challenges. Maybe you and your partner simply feel disconnected—as if life just somehow built a wall between you… and you don’t know how to tear it down.

It could also be that getting older and seeing changes in your body and appearance is creating self-image or intimacy issues. Or maybe you are in the middle of a crisis because of a betrayal or another form of trauma that has caused a great deal of hurt and is threatening your relationship.

Do you wish things could just go back to the way they used to be?

Whatever you are going through, working with a therapist can give you the tools and understanding needed to heal yourselves as individuals and repair your relationship together, growing closer as a couple again.

Have any questions? Send us a message!

Let’s Face It—Most Couples Eventually Run Into Challenges

Sharing our life with someone while always feeling heard, supported, and loved is not as easy as some romantic movies would have us believe. Truthfully, even happy couples have trouble communicating and/or connecting. Eventually, everyone questions some aspect of their relationship.

Unfortunately, we live in a society that creates a lot of unrealistic expectations for marriages and relationships. Television and movies portray convincing fictional narratives of love that are effortless and fairytale-like. And social media spreads self-doubt, disappointment, and a competitive need to keep up with the Joneses.

Why Couples Often Struggle To Overcome Challenges

When you think about it, we’re basically conditioned to believe that the mark of perfection is a relationship without conflict. We forget that being with another person actually requires work, empathy, and compromise.

In fact, hardly anyone—past or present—ever gets taught how to cultivate and maintain healthy relationships. And so, because the only relationship models we have to fall back on are mostly flawed and uninformed, it’s no wonder why so many couples struggle.

That’s why therapy can be so beneficial. Teaming up with an experienced couples counselor can help you identify what is really going on behind the scenes of your relationship so you can learn to communicate, navigate conflict, and simply be at peace with each other.

Couples Counseling Can Help You Deepen Your Relationship In Powerful Ways

When it comes to tackling problems in a relationship, friends and family are often our first stop for help. However, despite their best intentions, the people who love us the most usually have natural biases that can muddy even the best advice.

Thankfully, working with a couples counselor gives you a neutral ally with an objective point of view. Their aim is to help you work through issues instead of arguing without resolution.

In therapy, you’ll find a safe, neutral space where you can fully express yourself, be heard, and discover what you need to be happier and feel more complete.

What You Can Expect In Couples Therapy Sessions

Because every couple’s situation is different, we aim to tailor counseling sessions to address the challenges specific to your relationship. We’ll also teach you skills that provide understanding to help both of you communicate better, resolve conflict, and empathize with each other.

Working together as a team, you and your partner can heal old wounds, repair your connection, and become more like the couple you want to be.

To get to the bottom of what’s really going on in your relationship, we’ll first want to explore what your main concerns are, when your issues have become a problem, and how this has affected both of you. Once we understand what is really going on, we can discuss in what ways you’re hoping that counseling will help you and start creating a strategy for repairing your relationship and reconnecting with your partner.

Some of the things we may work on include:

  • Improving communication, rebuilding trust, and increasing intimacy

  • Creating a shared sense of empathy, respect, and compassion

  • Healing past relational wounds, such as betrayal, rejection, or abuse

  • Overcoming conflict without being defensive, critical, or resentful

  • Navigating the distractions of work, finances, parenting, and technology

Our Therapeutic Approaches For Couples Counseling

Everything evolves—our minds, our bodies, the world in general—including our relationships! So, the key to doing well as a couple is really about learning how to adjust to those changes. And that’s what we are here to help you do.

In therapy, we draw from a range of tried-and-true therapeutic approaches proven to create results. Sometimes, that involves working on yourselves as individuals—how you see yourself, what makes you feel valued, and what dynamic you add to the relationship. Other times, we may focus on overcoming conflict and reconnecting with what it was that originally brought you and your partner together.

Although you may be in pain right now, working with a kind and compassionate couples counselor can offer you hope and the tools for creating real change. With a little time and teamwork, it’s possible to heal, navigate conflict peacefully, and enjoy a closer connection on every level.

But You May Still Have Questions About Couples Counseling…

  • Relationships take effort, so if you’re looking for answers and hope, you definitely have not failed. You are actually showing an incredible amount of concern, courage, and resilience that we can draw from. So please don’t look at yourself in a negative light. You’re taking an important step in repairing your relationship—and that should be commended.

  • Absolutely! Merely working with someone who has no agenda other than to help you repair your relationship and feel better about your future can be immensely empowering. And therapy isn’t meant to go on forever. The understanding and skills you gain from our time together can help you overcome future problems on your own, potentially safeguarding your relationship throughout your life.

  • Think about it like this: therapy is a temporary investment in your overall well-being. But its effects can last a lifetime!

    Knowing yourself and your partner and understanding what you both need to be happy is extremely helpful. And that’s what couples counseling can make possible for you. Instead of simply hoping that things will get better on their own, you can make real changes to affect you and your relationship for a long time.

Let Us Help You Rekindle Your Love

If you are tired of arguing, being hurt, or feeling disconnected in your relationship or marriage, couples therapy can open up possibilities for greater happiness and connection. We invite you to contact us to find out more about how we can help you heal and deepen your connection with your partner.


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